MOVEBAND Display APP is the official app for managing TCL MOVEBAND Display smartband.
Just Connect via Bluetooth to your MOVEBAND Display and enjoy the following advantages:
Track your fitness activities, calculating steps, calories burned, distance and sleep patterns to get information about your daily lifestyles.
Keep you always connected with your smartphone, tracking SMS, emails and calls on your wrist.
MOVEBAND display APP è l'applicazione ufficiale per la gestione TCL MOVEBAND display smartband.
Basta collegare via Bluetooth al MOVEBAND Display e godere dei seguenti vantaggi:
Tieni traccia dei tuoi attività di fitness, calcolando passi, le calorie bruciate, distanza e modelli di sonno per ottenere informazioni sui vostri stili di vita quotidiane.
Tenete sempre in contatto con lo smartphone, il monitoraggio SMS, e-mail e le chiamate al polso.
MOVEBAND Display APP is the official app for managing TCL MOVEBAND Display smartband.
Just Connect via Bluetooth to your MOVEBAND Display and enjoy the following advantages:
Track your fitness activities, calculating steps, calories burned, distance and sleep patterns to get information about your daily lifestyles.
Keep you always connected with your smartphone, tracking SMS, emails and calls on your wrist.